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Millennium 3D chess created by William L. D'Agostino in 2001 is a example of three-dimensional space chess version without any notion of time dimension

Each Standard Chess position is a unique complex situation depending of the spatial positions of each piece and the relationships between all the pieces. Every position in the Standard Chess has his own, unique "morphology". Each 4D Chess position is on one hand a unique complex situation depending of the positions of each piece in the time and the time-state depending relationships between all the pieces. On the other hand each 4D Chess position is a unique relationships between all the pieces in the space and in the time. Every position in 4D Chess has his own, unique "morphology". Our new time-design, becomes a single way to make a connection between time and space and to be easily translated into perceptible ordinary chessboards for the players making possible for the first time in the human history, a game of chess in the time dimension on the standard chessboard.



Until now, the allowed reflection time for each player relied only on external elements (ex: chess clock) that did not have anything to do with the game tactics, strategy and dynamics. 

All was reduced to stop the chess clock and thus put the opponent's clock into operation after making a move on the chessboard.

With this invention the allowed reflection time for each player touches the heart of the games's 4th time dimension, with a mutual influence:

The allowed reflection time by player depends on the tactics, strategy and dynamics played on the chessboard during the game, and the tactics, strategy and dynamics have to adapt to changes that comes from the 4th, time dimension.

The allowed reflection time for each player, being incarnated in our new time-design, becomes a single, new element capable to make a connection between time and space and to be easily translated into perceptible ordinary chessboards for the players.

These additional rules integrated in a new design are creating a real 4th time dimension. Considering that Lionel Kieseritzky (1806-1853) developed Kubikschach (German for Cube Chess) in 1851 (a three-dimensional space chess version) and considering that during the XX and XXI century various multidimensional chess variants were developed like Milenium 3D chess created by William L. D'Agostino in 2001. All these chess versions use multiple boards at different space levels. With our invention, presented on this site, each timer of each piece - is a simple visualization of the position of a piece in the time-dimension. In the same way the piece can move on a chessboard in 3 dimensions a piece can now move in time. However, as we know, whereas the displacement of pieces in space is discontinued on a grid, the displacement in time is continuous and one-sided. In order to simplify our presentations here, we can say that a a regular game of chess use only one flat board (or we can say that a classic chess game is technically already played in 3D space and any 3D classic real chessboard can be represented on a 2D screen, the pictures we present follow this kind of representation). Technically we can consider all ordinary chess games played in our ordinary 3D space, with this new time-design - as 4D chess games. The real-life equivalent of this could be that given the assets you have in a situation, from the moment you decide to make use of one of it (and thus revealing it to your opponent) it will have a certain "lifespan" during which it is the most useful (you could consider that at the end of this time, your opponent will have entirely integrated this asset of yours in his strategy). Moreover when you decide not to make use of one asset in order to give it a greater value in the time dimension, as time passes, your opponent will understand you are keeping a valuable asset that he will need to be suspicious of or even get rid of. This additionally time dimension applied to  games between great masters will easily shake the static learned by heart strategies.

On one hand, in 2017 the here presented chess-related inventions were patented as an author's work and as an original design invention. At the same time many variants based on the same design were protected.


     On the other hand, there is a popular phrase saying "Someone is playing chess when their opponents are playing checkers." used when a person is operating on a level so far beyond their opponents that they don't even realize how they are being played. And for several years now, a discussion takes place of whether the secret of the strategic superiority of some leaders lies in the fact that they play a game of so-called multidimensional chess.

And finally, what do we see when we look around us today ?
     Now more than ever, with internet and high technology progress, each individual (from the average person to a president) can take actions anytime of the day anywhere on the planet.  And it seems the best way to make a difference is to adopt a new way of thinking.

*The Genesis of aformentioned TIME DIMENSION  lies on the tactics, strategy and dynamics played on the chessboard during the chess game  and is strongly related to the inner chessboard spatial environement   

Present creations are reflecting and imprinting author’s personality.
Thea are all protected by copyright laws worldwide in many ways in different areas, as a originaly derivative work, author rights, scientific articles, software programes,  copyright protected originaly designs, ect.


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